Friday, May 14, 2010



25. Montage of Sacred Sites, with VOICEOVER by Dave -
Wyoming Medicine Wheel
Gravesites (of Crazy Horse, Sand Creek, Wounded Knee, etc.)

DAVE (v.o.)
Sure, it's impossible, insane, for anyone to think about millions of cars gone,
cities like Denver with millions of people, trillions in wealth in factories, munitions
and war bases, real estate, and the most heavily-armed population on earth who
are not going peacefully, or giving up their amerikan patriotism and so-called freedom.

But ... to Shamans who have lived here forever, that is all just...well, animal
reflex. Anthropologists have labelled homo sapiens basically a 'killer ape'.
They react like almost all mammals, birds, fishes, insects - survival, eating,
is the primary instinct and reflex.

So how can any of this idealistic dream ever happen, in true reality?


Conifer, Seasonal FORESTS.
DAVE (v.o. continued)

Trees don't kill, at least the great Conifer Forests that provide half of the Earth's
entire oxygen supply. Their sap-laden bristles are inedible to almost all animals, except
moose. So they can't be killed naturally either, it's as if they have an intelligent plan.
They are relatively immortal, as Redwoods can live 5,000 years.

They are a perfect example for us, of an alternative Truth to the violence and reflexes of men.

But how does this relate to people, and returning to a natural, money-free
Buffalo Economy such as flourished in our family's Triangular lands for
many thousands of years?


CHURCHES - vast cathedrals everywhere, little churches, all denominations, as well as synagogues and mosques.

DAVE (v.o. continued)

Some people, who think of themselves as religious, know they are better than mere apes.
But they have gotten their religions wrong, for the most part. They are worshipping a "God"
who has no name, or relative history. They have disparaged the mythology of the gods and
goddesses of great, successful, human cultures - like Egypt - as falsehoods, "myths".

That's where many in my generation especially - grown to maturity in the revolutionary, irreverent-reverent
60s - have turned back to so-called "Paganism", which is simply a respect for the truths of Egypt
and China and Natives in North America like the Cheyennes.

My epic 'The Creation Myth' is one of these efforts, in poetry,
to study the grammar of mythology, in terms of our own times.
It can help light the way for us to return to an ethical civilization
that honors the trees and the land, and the gods, whom the Native Indians
often call "Spirits". They are the way for us to restore man's place in the
Balance, without false churches and impotent prayers that are not working.
It is a fact-laden history book, preaching no particular messianism or
new proselytising - just a study in language to help us re-discover
the Egyptians and the Cheyenne, and the wisdom of Natural shamans
who don't want money, or cults of followers.

In Act One of this movie I recited a few stanzas from the first eight
chapters of Part One of the Creation Myth - which I labelled 'War in Heaven'.
Part Two has one chapter about the Confederate general Stonewall Jackson,
who was a very religious christian, but who was a killer, a man of war, and his
struggle on his deathbed in 1863 to reconcile this conflict as part of American history.

{pictures can roll under this narration of the gods of Egypt and Cheyennes, Civil War pix of Stonewall, etc, and Lee
Harvey Oswald in the next section; and Julius Caesar in the next, and photos of Caesarea Philippi in Israel}

DAVE (v.o. cont.)
Part Three is titled 'Oswald Antagonistes', about the innocence of the Communist
Lee Harvey Oswald in the 1963 murder of President Kennedy. Part Four is titled
'Caesar Eros' about the actual identity of the man-god known as Jesus Christ, going
back to the basic religious and mythical foundation of Judeo-Christianity, that I
postulate is the cause for the genocide of the Indians and buffalo in our region.
False prayers, greedy, untaxed church empires worth trillions - such as the Roman
Vatican - have preached a false mythology, and they do not honor the gods, and
that is the basic cause of our problems. There are gods in the Other World, after death,
and before birth.

Here's is the first stanza of Caesar Eros, for example:

'The goat Dionysos-Pan from his cave
emerged at Caesarea Philippi,
the grotto Echo, well-beloved nymph
worshipped. Into the sunny Golan Heights
the Libyan Osiris blinked, and smiled,
blinded by the bright day of May Eve,
nine months after the African Set
chased him and Isis with Child underground.'


26. Day - Ext - FLAGSTAFF

DAVE and BILL walking through the idyllic mountain meadows, concluding their talks and the movie.

The Creation Myth goes on from there, in Part Five to 'ARMORICA' in France and Wales and the
Merlin history, Part Six back to the origins of Egypt and Libya, where I lived
as an Air Force kid, titled 'THEBAID', Part Seven 'THEBAID LOST' as the
gods of Egypt are stolen and distorted by the Hebrews of the Bible, and
finally Part Eight which I haven't written entirely yet, titled 'ARIZONA'.

I'll recite just one more stanza, at the end of 'WAR IN HEAVEN', to which
the whole thing will return and end right back here, in modern times and with some

'The beast of many identities old
before his and her time parentless
stared skeptically at the small man.
"Neither god nor mortal am I," It said,
"made unmade as my own Third Entity.
Sleep's the best clue I can give you of
Typhoeus Hesiod recorded of Set;
and the Hebrews jealously changed
him to Seth, the murderous Jehovah.
That is the devilish 'God' they worship
today in futile, impotent prayers.' "


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